Tuesday, February 22, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 37

Weight - 150.4 Well I gained, like I knew I would, since I cheated a bunch yesterday! Today I am going to stick to the diet to the T and hopefully I'll lose some before I go on to P3 at the end of the week.

Breakfast: (9 Calories)
Coffee with 1/4 Almond Milk and Stevia

Lunch: (205 Calories)
4oz Lemon Pepper Chicken Breast
7oz Broccoli

Snack: (16 Calories)
4oz Celery

Dinner: (321 Calories)
*Baked Stuffed Tomato
4.5oz Ground Beef
2 large tomatos
1 small onion
melba snack
fresh chopped garlic, basil, oregano, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne, chili seasoning

Total Calories for the day: 551

Monday, February 21, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 36

Weight - 149.2 ~ Boo I gained .4lbs, I don't know if it was my off protocol cookie, shoveling snow, water retention, the fact that I ate dinner so late last night (9pm), the fact that I took some Ibuprofen last night or the fact that I got like no sleep. I am also really sore today.... really bad shin splints and my back muscles are sore, probably from shoveling. hmmm oh well, today I am sticking to protocol and hopefully tomorrow I will have a drop!

Breakfast: (9 Calories)
Coffee with 1/4 cup Almond Milk and Stevia

Lunch: (205.1 Calories)
*French onion soup with Ground Beef
4oz 96% lean ground beef (Measured raw then cooked)
3.9oz Onion
1 cup beef stock, 1 cup water, fresh chopped garlic, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper

Ugh I was really bad today and cheated a bunch, so I kinda skipped dinner.

Dinner: (100 Calories)
1/2 cup Cottage Cheese

I did yoga for about 20 minutes today, but I am sure I am going to gain tomorrow from all my cheating! Ugh only a couple days... why can't I just make it to the end!?
Total Calories for the day: 314.1

Sunday, February 20, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 35

Weight - 148.8 ~ only .2 loss but at least it is something!

Breakfast: (9 Calories)
Coffee with 1/4 Almond Milk and stevia

Lunch: (258.7 Calories)
*Basil Burger with Salad
4oz 96% lean ground beef (Measured raw then cooked)
Fresh chopped basil, garlic, oregano, dried onion, salt and pepper

3oz Lettuce Mix
9.1oz Cucumbers - chopped
5.5oz Cherry Tomatoes
3.7oz Celery - chopped
Sweet & Spicy Mustard dressing

*About 25 minutes of shoveling snow since we got over a foot today. I had to shovel out my car so that I didn't have to do it tomorrow morning before work.

*About 30min of stretching and yoga

Dinner: (172.8 Calories)
4.5oz lemon pepper Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
6.3oz Asparagus (Measured raw then cooked with lemon juice, fresh garlic, salt and pepper)

Dessert: (100 calories)
*WAY off protocol, no bake cookie -- I hope it doesn't make me gain!

Total Calories for the day: 540.5

Saturday, February 19, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 34

Weight - 149! YAY I lost another .6lbs!!

Breakfast: (9 Calories)
Coffee with 1/4 cup Almond Milk and Stevia

Lunch: (293.2 Calories)
*Steak and onions with a salad
3.5oz Steak (Measured raw then cooked on the George Foreman)
2.2oz Onion - cooked with the steak
3 oz Lettuce Mix
8.2oz Cucumbers - chopped
5oz Cherry Tomatoes
4.9oz Celery - chopped
Sweet & Spicy Mustard Dressing

*3.4 Mile Walk - According to my Droid app I burned 282 calories

Snack: (22 Calories)
1/2 Wasa cracker
Dandelion & Triple Echinacea Green Tea with Stevia

Dinner: (181.8 Calories)
*Lemon Pepper Chicken with Asparagus
4.5oz Chicken breast (Measured raw then baked with lemon juice, salt and pepper)
7.8oz Asparagus (Measured raw then cooked with lemon juice, fresh chopped garlic, salt and pepper)

I increased my protein for dinner since I went for a long walk and burned more calories than normal.

Total Calories for the day: 506

Took a detox bath tonight! Soo Relaxing!

Friday, February 18, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 33

Weight - 149.6!! YAY I lost another 1.8 lbs!! I am so proud of myself for sticking to protocol for the last couple days and it is really showing!! Today is going to be another amazing day with no cheating!!

Breakfast: (9 Calories)
Coffee with 1/4 cup almond milk and stevia

Lunch: (173.5 Calories)
*Tomato, Basil and Chicken Soup
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
6oz Tomato
1.4oz Onion
Chicken Stock, Tomato paste, fresh chopped garlic, fresh chopped basil, oregano, cayenne, chili powder, garlic powder, onion salt and pepper

Snack: (27.2 Calories)
6.8oz Cucumbers Sliced

Dinner: (267 Calories)
*Steak Fajitas with Salad
3.5oz Steak (Measured raw then cooked)
5.5oz Onion - sliced and cooked with Steak
3.2oz Green Pepper - sliced and cooked with Steak and onions
Fresh chopped garlic, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, chili powder, garlic powder, cilantro, salt and pepper

*Salad - 1oz Lettuce Mix, 5.6oz Tomato chopped with 1 tablespoon onion, garlic, cilantro, salt and pepper

Total Calories for the day: 476.7

Thursday, February 17, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 32

Weight- 151.4!!! I lost 4.4 lbs over night!! YAY!! This proves to me that this really works, so I am going to stick to protocol strictly for the rest of my round...which is only about another week. I wish I would have realized this earlier, because I would probably have lost more weight and be closer to my goal, but I guess I had to learn in my own way!

Breakfast: (9 Calories)
Coffee with 1/4 cup Almond Milk and stevia

Lunch: (234.6 Calories)
*French Onion Soup with steak
3.5oz Steak (Measured raw then cooked)
5.4oz Onion - sliced
1 cup beef stock, 1 cup water
Fresh chopped Garlic, worchestershire sauce, onion salt, garlic powder, salt and pepper

Snack: (25.6 Calories)
6.4oz Cucumbers - sliced

Dinner: (214 Calories)
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
3oz Lettuce Mix
3.6oz Cucumbers - Chopped
2.8oz Green Peppers - chopped
5oz Cherry Tomatoes
5.7oz Celery - chopped
Sweet & Spicy Mustard Dressing

Dessert: (22.5 Calories)
2.5oz Strawberries

Total Calories for the day: 505.7

I was a little hungry today, but it helped to have the cucumbers to snack on! I did amazingly well not giving into temptation!! Someone brought homemade chocolate chip cookies to work today, but I did NOT have one!! :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 31

Weight - 155 lbs- Gained alot!! I am so mad that I gained so much! I should have known that I would since I cheated alot yesterday. I decided this morning that I am going to finish this diet since I only have about a week and a half left!! So I took my shot today and only packed healthy diet friendly foods, so hopefully I can get back on track and at least loose a few more pounds so that it will have been worth it!

Note: It's only 8:41am and I already feel hungry. I probably totaly screwed up everything with my binging yesterday! :(

Breakfast: (9 Calories)
Coffee with 1/4 cup Almond milk and stevia

Lunch: (170.5 Calories) - Technically this is off protocol since I am mixing veggies, but I have to do something to keep myself from cheating!
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
1.5oz Lettuce Mix
2oz Celery -  chopped
1/2 Cucumber - chopped
1/2 Green Pepper - chopped
*Sweet and Spicy Mustard Dressing

Snack: (62 Calories)
1/2 Wasa Cracker
10oz Celery - Eaten throughout the day

Dinner: (173.5 Calories)
*Tomato, Basil and Chicken Soup
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
6oz Tomato - chopped
1.4oz Onion - chopped
Chicken Stock, water, chopped fresh garlic, chopped fresh basil, oregano, cayenne, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder

Dessert: (58 Calories)
6.4oz Strawberries
Total Calories for the day: 473

I did really well today!! No cheating at all!! I did feel hungry today, but I drank alot of water and I know it will be worth it tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 30

Weight 152.8 -  Gained from cheating, which I knew I would. I decided not to take my shot this morning since I can't stop cheating. I am going to try to stick to the diet today and see how I do. If I end up cheating, I am just going to be done for this round. I think I went into this without being prepared and I am just not mentally or emotionally ready for this. We shall see how today goes!

Breakfast: (17.5 Calories)
Coffee with 1/2 cup Almond Milk and Stevia

Snack: (100 Calories Approx)
Trail Mix

Lunch: (163 calories)
*Chicken and Cabbage Soup
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
1 cup cabbage
4oz Celery
1 small green onion
1 cup Chicken Stock

Snack: (100 Calories)

Dinner: (400 Calories Approx)
*Baked Stuffed Tomato with Green Beans
4oz Ground Beef (Measured raw then cooked)
12oz Tomato
2.5oz Onion
6oz Green Beans cooked with Garlic
Melba Toast

Dessert: (100 Calories)
Chocolate Slim Fast bar

Total Calories for the day: Approx 880.5 - I went WAY off protocol today, just to see how I did. I feel heavier and I know I cheated alot!! We shall see how the scale reads tomorrow and I'll decide if I am going to continue this diet or just quit now.

Monday, February 14, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 29

Weight - 151.4 - boo I gained. I did cheat a little yesterday, but I didn't think it was big enough to make me gain...guess I was wrong! :(

Breakfast: (26.5 Calories)
Coffee with 1/2 cup almond milk and stevia
1oz Strawberries

Lunch: (314 Calories) -  VERY off protocol!!
7oz Celery - raw
Peanut Butter - I know this is off protocol but I was really craving it! So I ate this and I am going to skip the lunch I actually had planned in hopes of not gaining!

Snack: (0 Calories)
Blueberry Slim Life Green Tea and Dandelion Tea
Lots of Water

Dinner: (284 Calories)
4.5oz Steak (Measured raw then cooked on the George Foreman)
2.5oz Onion (Measured raw then chopped and cooked with Steak and garlic)
8oz Asparagus with lemon, garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper

Dessert: (30.7 Calories)
*Homemade Ice cream - I hope this doesn't make me stall! It was really yummy!!
4 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1.5 teaspoons stevia
1/2 cup Almond Milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
*Mixed together then put in my homemade ice cream maker.

Total Calories for the day: 655.2

**Cheated a bunch tonight with cookies and everything!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 28

Weight 150.6 - Stalled but I knew it might happen since I cheated a little yesterday!

Breakfast: (9 Calories)
Coffee with 1/4 cup Almond Milk and Stevia

*Mint Tea with stevia

Lunch: (184 Calories)
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
3oz Lettuce Mix
11oz Cucumber - chopped
*Sweet & Spicy Mustard dressing

Snack: (200 Calories)
Cheated with some nuts.... :(

Dinner: (300 Calories)
4.5oz Steak (Measured raw then cooked) - I felt extra hungry so I had more protein
1/4 cup onions cooked with steak
7oz Green Beans with garlic

Dessert: (70 Calories)
Strawberries and cheated with some chocolate

Total Calories for the Day: 747

Took an hour long detox bath tonight...it was nice and relaxing. I also took off my acrylic nails, so I wonder how that will affect my losses?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 27

Weight - 150.6 lbs! YAY I lost!! I am so proud I didn't cheat yesterday!!

Breakfast: (17.5 Calories)
Coffee with 1/2 cup Almond Milk and Stevia

Lunch: (248.8 Calories) * Off protocol but hopefully I won't gain from it!
Scrambled Eggs (1 whole with 2 egg whites)
1/2 cup onion - chopped
7.3oz Green Pepper - Chopped
Salt and Pepper

*2.2 mile walk with my dog

Snack: (80 Calories)
Lemon Ginger & Dandelion Tea
Pink Grapefruit with Stevia

Dinner: (286 Calories)
*Left over pot roast with onions and garlic & Green Beans
3.5oz Beef - (Measured raw then cooked)
1/4 Cup onion
1/2 cup beef stock
7oz Green Beans
garlic, salt and pepper

Dessert: (93.7 Calories)
7oz Strawberries -sliced

*Homemade Ice cream - I hope this doesn't make me stall! It was really yummy!!
4 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1.5 teaspoons stevia
1/2 cup Almond Milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
*Mixed together then put in my homemade ice cream maker.

Total Calories for the Day: 716

Friday, February 11, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 26

Weight - 151.8 - stalled, but I figured that would happen because of the cheating! Today I am sticking to this diet with no cheats!!

Breakfast: (17.5 Calories)
Coffee with 1/2 cup Almond Milk and English Toffee Stevia

Snack: (80 Calories)
4 very small clementines
HerbaMate orange tea with stevia

Lunch: (216 Calories)
*Leftover Pot Roast with Onions and Garlic
3.5oz Beef Roast
1 small onion
Beef Broth

Dinner: (227 Calories)
*Tomato Basil Soup with Chicken
3.5oz Chicken Breast
11.1 oz Tomato - chopped
1/2 cup onion - chopped
1 cup Chicken Stock and 1/2 cup Water
1 tablespoon tomato paste
Garlic chopped, fresh basil, oregano, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne, chili pepper, salt and pepper

Total Calories for the day: 540.5

Thursday, February 10, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 25

Weight - 151.8 - Stupid Cheating made me gain!! Plus I did alot of house cleaning last night, which actually made me work up a sweat, so maybe part of it is water retention! I hope!

Breakfast: (17.5 Calories)
Coffee with 1/2 cup Almond Milk and Hazelnut Stevia

*Cheat - Jolly Rancher 23 Calories

Lunch: (266 Calories)
*Leftover pot roast with onions and garlic! YUM
3.5oz Beef Roast
1 small onion
Beef Broth
5oz Broccoli

Snack: (25 Calories)
Small clementine

Dinner: (317 Calories)
*Baked Stuffed Tomatoes
3.5oz Ground Beef
2 medium tomatoes
1/2 cup onion
Melba snacks
Garlic, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne, salt and pepper
3oz Green Beans

Total Calories for the Day: 660.5

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 24

Weight - 149.6 - YAY I lost!! :) I am soo proud that I didn't cheat yesterday!!

Breakfast: (9 Calories)
Coffee with 1/4 cup Almond Milk and Hazelnut Stevia

Dandelion root and Blueberry Green Tea

Lunch: (242 Calories)
*Leftover pot roast with onions and garlic from 2 nights ago! YUM
3.5oz Beef Roast
1 small onion
Beef Broth

Snack: (105 Calories)
Apple and water and sugarfee gum

Dinner: (165 Calories)
*Szechwan Chicken with Cabbage and Celery
100 grams chicken breast
Cabbage and celery chopped
1 cup chicken broth or water
3 tablespoons Bragg’s liquid aminos
1 teaspoon hot sauce
Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
Pinch of fresh or powdered ginger
1 clove garlic crushed and minced
1 tablespoon chopped green onion
Stevia to taste
Brown Chicken in Bragg’s and a little water. Add chicken broth and spices.
Simmer for 5 minutes. Add the cabbage and allow to cook for 10 minutes or
until cabbage is tender. Add additional water if necessary. Top with
additional green onions for garnish and sprinkle with lemon juice and
additional Bragg’s.

Makes 1 serving (1 protein, 1 vegetable)

Total Calories for the day: 526

I am mad at myself... I had some Almonds today at work and then I also had some candy and a couple cookies. I couldn't resist and I know I am going to pay for it tomorrow!! :(

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 23

Weight - 151.4 - Boo stalled!! But that is probably because I cheated alot last week!! But I did NOT cheat yesterday and I am soo proud of myself, because I really wanted to!

Breakfast: (17.5 Calories)
Coffee with 1/2 cup Almond Milk and Hazelnut Stevia

**Someone brought cupcakes to work and it is taking everything in me NOT to eat them!!

Lunch: (242 Calories)
*Leftover pot roast with onions and garlic from last night! YUM
3.5oz Beef Roast
1 small onion
Beef Broth

Snack: (105 Calories)
Sugarfree gum and water

Dinner: (184 Calories)
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
3oz Lettuce Mix
12.8oz Cucumber - chopped
Sweet & Spicy Mustard

Dessert: (61.2 Calories)
Strawberries and Tea
Total Calories for the day: 609.7

I am so proud today that I did NOT eat a cupcake, even though they were sitting there right in front of me all day!! :) I hope it shows on the scale tomorrow!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 22

Weight - 151.4 - Stupid cheating!! I told myself that I am not going to cheat for the rest of the week otherwise this isn't even worth it! I am only hurting myself!! Stupid me!

Breakfast: (0 Calories)
Tea and Water

Lunch: (157 Calories)
*Chicken and Celery Soup
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
2 cups Celery - chopped
1 cup Chicken Stock
1 small green onion, garlic, salt, parsley, basil, cayenne, pepper

Snack: (42 Calories)
2 Small Clementines

Dinner: (267 Calories)
*Bottom Round Pot Roast with Onions and Garlic - Made 7 servings

3.5oz Beef, Beef stock, 1 small onion and garlic
2.5oz Steamed Broccoli with salt and pepper

Dessert: (55.8 Calories)
6.2oz Strawberries
Vanilla Caramel Tea

Total Calories for the day: 526.8

Sunday, February 6, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 21

Weight - 150.4 - Gained since I cheated last night!! I hate my weakness for sweets!!

Breakfast: (0 Calories)
Tea and Water

Lunch: (178.8 Calories)
3.5oz Shrimp (Measured raw then cooked)
3oz Lettuce Mix
5.7oz Cucumber chopped
4oz Grape tomatoes
Sweet & Spicy Mustard dressing

Snack: (90 Calories)
Club Soda with Root Beer Stevia! YUM

Dinner: (217 Calories)
3.5oz Steak (Measured raw then cooked on the George Foreman)
2oz Onion (Measured raw then cooked with the steak and garlic)
5oz Broccoli - steamed

Total Calories for the day: 485.8

UGH I cheated again!! I don't know what it wrong with me!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 20

Weight - 148.6!! YAY! I didn't cheat last night and it showed!! I finally lost!!

Breakfast: (0 Calories)
Tea and Water

Lunch: (167.2 Calories)
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
3oz Lettuce Mix
1/2 Cucumber chopped
Sweet & Spicy Mustard Dressing

Snack: (100 Calories)

Dinner: (260 Calories)
*Baked stuffed tomatoes and Green Beans
3.5oz Ground Beef (Measured raw then cooked)
2 medium tomatoes
1.5oz Green Beans
1 small onion, Garlic

Dessert: (65 Calories)
5oz Clementine
Total Calories for the day: 592.2 -- Opps I went over a little! But my dinner was worth it!! Soo amazing!

UGH I cheated again today....soo pissed at myself!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 19

Weight - 151.8 - Gained again from cheating! I really need to re-think if I can do this diet or not. Hopefully today I can get back on track!!

Breakfast: (0 Calories)
Tea and Water

Lunch: (184 Calories)
*Creamy Chicken and Celery Soup
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
11 oz Celery
1.5 Cups Chicken Stock
Water, fresh Garlic chopped
Salt, pepper, cayenne, garlic powder, parsley, basil, cumin and tarragon. A pinch of each seasoning to taste.

Dinner: (221 Calories)
*Baked Stuffed Tomatoes from The HCG Dieter Gourmet Cookbook and steamed broccoli

100 grams ground beef
2 medium sized tomatoes or 1 large tomato
1 serving of Melba toast crumbs
1 tablespoon finely minced onion
1 clove garlic crushed and minced
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1/8 teaspoon onion powder
Cayenne pepper to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Hollow out the tomatoes, sprinkle with salt and turn upside down to drain
for 10 minutes. Brown ground beef in a small frying pan; add onion, garlic
and spices. Pack ground beef mixture into tomatoes, add small amount of
water to bottom of dish, top with Melba toast crumbs and salt, and bake in
350 degree oven for 20 minutes. Garnish with fresh parsley and serve.

I took the insides of the tomato and sauted them with garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne, salt & pepper and added them to the tomato when I took it out of the oven. I don't like to waste food! :)
Makes 1 serving (1 protein, 1 vegetable, 1 Melba toast)

This was AMAZING!! I will probably make it again very soon!!

Dessert: (65 Calories)


Total Calories for the day: 475

Took a detox bath tonight! It was soo warm and relaxing!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 18

Weight - 150.4 ~ Gained 1 lb from my cheating yesterday. Today I am serious about getting back to my strict diet and sticking to it to the end!

Breakfast: (0 Calories)
Coffee with English Toffee Stevia

Lunch: (187 Calories)
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked with salt and pepper)
9.3oz Cucumber - chopped
Sweet & Spicy Mustard Dressing
2 Melba Snacks

Snack: (44 Calories)
1/2 Grapefruit

Dinner: (261.6 Calories)
*French onion soup with steak
3.5oz Steak (Measured raw then cooked)
5.6 oz Onion
1.5 Cups beef stock
Water, Garlic, Salt, pepper, worchestershire sauce
Melba Snacks

Dessert: (100 Calories)
Total Calories for the day: 602.6 - Went over, plus I caved again and ate some Chocolate and cookies :( This diet is really testing my self control and I have failed for the last couple days!! I am really dissapointed in myself!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 17

Weight - 149.4 ~ Gained 1.2lbs after my cheating last night. I didn't gain as much as I thought I would, which is good. Now back to the strict diet!!

Breakfast: (0 Calories)
Dandelion root tea and Blueberry Slim Life tea mixed!

Lunch: (169.2 Calories)
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
7.3oz Celery Chopped
1/2 cup grape tomatoes
Sweet & Spicy Mustard dressing

Snack: (29 Calories)

Dinner: (200 Calories)
3.5oz Steak (Measured raw then cooked on my George Foreman)
9.3oz Asparagus (Measured raw then cooked with lemon juice, water and garlic)

Dessert: (100 Calories)
Apple - chopped and warmed up with cinnamon and english toffee stevia

Total Calories for the day: 498.2

Totaly caved and binged again! Made me sick to my stomach. I took a detox bath hoping it would help me not gain as much weight from my cheat! We shall see.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 16

Weight - 148.2 Still stalled!! :(

Breakfast: (0 Calories)
Pomegranate Green Tea and Water

Lunch: (177.5 Calories)
*Hot & Sour chicken Soup w/Cabbage
100 grams chicken breast diced
2.5 Cups Cabbage chopped
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup water
4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
4 tablespoons Bragg’s liquid aminos
½ lemon in quarters with rind
1 clove garlic crushed and minced
2 tablespoons minced onion
Cayenne pepper to taste
Pinch of chili powder or red chili flakes
Salt and pepper to taste
Stevia to taste (optional)
Boil lemon wedges with rind in 1 cup of water until pulp comes out of the
rind. Scrape out additional pulp and juice. Add the diced chicken, spices
and chicken broth. Simmer until cooked. Variation: You can add orange
juice as an option and your choice of approved vegetable or substitute
shrimp for chicken.
Makes 1 serving (1 protein)

I ate the chicken and cabbage, but did not finish all the broth. I made it a little too spicy! oops

Snack: (28 Calories)

Dinner: (227 Calories)
Chicken, Tomato and Basil Soup
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Meaured raw then cooked)
11oz Tomatos
Chicken Stock
Tomato Paste
Garlic, oregano, basil, salt and pepper

Dessert: (44 Calories)
1/2 Grapefruit

Total Calories for the day: 466.5

Today I totally crashed and ate a bunch of junk food, which I am not going to list on here. But I really regret it and hope I don't gain too much from it! NEVER AGAIN!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 15

Weight - 148.2.. stalled :(

Breakfast: (28 Calories)
Tea and water

Lunch: (196 Calories)
Beef and French Onion Soup!! AMAZING! - Got recipe from The HCG Dieter Gourmet Diet Cookbook
3.5oz of Ground Sirloin (measured raw then cooked)
about 5oz of onion (measured raw then cooked)
2 Garlic cloves minced,
1 cup Organic Beef Stock & 1/2 cup water
1 tsp Worcersterchire sauce
1tblsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper and Mrs. Dash Steak Seasoning

**I meant to take a picture of it this time, but it is soo good I always just start eating and forget to take one! haha

Dinner: (174 Calories)
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
1 Cup Cabbage chopped
6 oz Celery chopped
*Sweet & Spicy Mustard dressing

Dessert: (100 Calories)
Fuji Apple

Total Calories for the day: 503 - oops I went over

I also had a Slim Quick drink today because I felt weak at work again.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 14

Weight 148.2 lbs!! A 1.2 lb loss !!

Breakfast: (0 Calories)
Tea and water

Lunch: (187.5 Calories)
*Chicken, Tomato and Basil Soup - YUM!!
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw and then cooked)
8.5oz Tomatos (Measured raw and then cooked)
1 oz Sweet Onion
3 small cloves garlic
1 tbsp tomato paste
1/2 cup chicken Stock
Basil, oregano, salt and pepper, garlic salt

Snack: (28.6 Calories)
2.2 oz Clementine

Dinner: (161 Calories)
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
1 Cucumber chopped
2 cups romaine lettuce
Sweet and Spicy Mustard dressing
Dessert: (40 Calories)
10 Strawberries

Total Calories for the day: 444.1

I went for a 20 minute walk today with my dog and wasn't as tired as I was yesterday. I am also going to take a detox bath in a few minutes to help me relax and get warm, since I am freezing!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 13

Weight - 149.4 lbs

I stalled today but that is probably because I caved last night and had a bite of Ice Cream. I really need to work on my self control!

Breakfast: (0 Calories)
Tea and Water

Lunch: (171 Calories)
*Chicken and Cabbage rolls with Cabbage/Celery Salad

2-3 big cabbage leaves
1 c. shredded cabbage
1/8 t. onion salt
1/8 t. garlic powder
1/8 t. Mrs Dash Fiesta Lime Seasoning
1/8 t Bragg's Amino Acids
100 grams or 3.5oz cooked chopped chicken

Steam big cabbage leaves for 5 minutes. Move leaves over to
side of steamer to make room for shredded cabbage. Steam both
for 5 minutes. Remove shredded cabbage to a mixing bowl. Add
chopped chicken or shrimp and spices. Mix and then wrap in big
cabbage leaves.

Servings: 1 protein, ½ vegetable

*Cabbage and Celery Salad with Sweet & Spicy Mustard Dressing
1 cup chopped Cabbage and 1/2 cup celery
2 tablespoons Deli Mustard with Horseradish Sauce
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon Bragg’s liquid aminos
Pinch of turmeric
1 clove garlic finely minced
1 tablespoon minced onion
Stevia to taste
Water to desired consistency
Dissolve spices in liquid ingredients. Mix thoroughly and heat slightly in a
saucepan. Add a little water or extra vinegar to create desired consistency.
Makes 1-2 servings

Snack: (100 Calories)
Fuji Apple

Dinner: (161 Calories)
*Cajun Baked Fish with Asparagus
3.5oz Sole Fillet (Measured Raw the baked)
2 Melba Snacks - smashed
Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, pinch of cayenne and red pepper, salt and black pepper
Dip fish in lemon juice then cover with Melba and seasoning mixture. Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

Asparagus with minced garlic, lemon juice, Bragg's amino acids, garlic salt and rosemary.

Dessert: (40 Calories)
10 medium Strawberries

Total Calories for the Day: 472

I went for a 20 minute walk today, but got very tired. I've had a weird rummbling in my stomach all day.

Friday, January 28, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 12

Weight - 149.4!!! Down another .6 lb today!!

I took another hot bath last night because I was cold and it was very relaxing!

Breakfast: (0 Calories)
Yogi Tea - Goji Berry Green tea with stevia

Lunch: (155 Calories)
*Chicken and Roasted Radish soup
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw and then cooked)
1 Cup Roasted Radishes
1/4 onion
1/2 Cup chicken Stock - 1/2 cup water
Parsley, Salt and Pepper, with a little stevia

Snack: Gum (5 Calories)

Dinner: (222 Calories)
3.5oz Steak (Measured raw then cooked on my George Foreman)
5oz Green Beans with Garlic, Salt and Pepper
2 bites of Low Fat Organic Cottage Cheese

Dessert: (100 Calories)
Homemade Apple Sauce with Cinnamon and Stevia

Drank water and Tea all day and half of a Quick Slim Drink Mix - 0 calories, 1 carb, 0 Sugars

Total Calories for the day: 487 Calories

Thursday, January 27, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 11

Weight - 150!!!

YAY I finally lost 1.6 lbs!!! I took a hot bath last night with baking soda right before bed for about 30 min. It was very relaxing!

Yogi Tea - Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life

Lunch: (181.5 Calories)
Chicken and Tomato Soup
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw and then cooked)
8.5oz Tomatos (Measured raw and then cooked)
1 oz Sweet Onion
3 small cloves garlic
1 tbsp tomato paste
1/2 cup chicken Stock
Basil, oregano, salt and pepper, garlic salt

Snack: (49 Calories)
1/2 Pink Grapefruit with stevia
1 Piece Sugar Free Gum

Dinner: (180.5 Calories)
3.5oz Steak (Measured raw and cooked on George Foreman)
1.5 Cups of Oven Roasted Radishes
1 Grissini

Dessert: (60 Calories)
15 Strawberries

Total Calories for the day: 476
Today I felt really tired all day. I decided about half way throught the day to drink some Slim Quick diet drink mix and it made me feel better. Says it has 0 calories, 1 carb and 0 sugars. We will see tomorrow if it makes me stall or not!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

R1P2 VLCD 10

Weight - 151.6

So today I had a stall, which is very frustrating because I followed protocol yesterday, but hopefully after today it will break! I am going to omit my grissini/melba toast for the day and hope that helps!

Breakfast: (100 Calories)
Yogi Tea - Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life tea with stevia
1 Gala Apple

Tea and water all day!

Lunch: (146 Calories)
Creamy chicken and celery soup
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
1 cup celery
1 cup Chicken stock
Garlic, minced
Salt, pepper, basil and parsley

Dinner: (180 Calories)
3.5oz Steak (Measured raw then cooked on George Foreman)
10 spears of asparagus with lemon juice and garlic
1 Grissini

Dessert: (40 calories)
10 medium Strawberries

Total Calories for the day: 476 Calories

Took a hot bath tonight with baking soda. Very relaxing and is supposed to help with detoxing!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Weight - 151.6

I actually gained a little bit, but that is probably because I caved last night and had a bite of bacon.... bad bad me! But today is the first day where I don't really feel hungry, which is nice!

Breakfast:  (10 Calories)
1/2 cup coffee - 1tbsp Almond Milk and dark chocolate Stevia

Tea and Water all day

Lunch: (220 Calories)
Beef and French Onion Soup!! AMAZING! - Got recipe from The HCG Dieter Gourmet Diet Cookbook
3.5oz of Ground Sirloin (measured raw then cooked)
about 5oz of onion (measured raw then cooked)
2 Garlic cloves minced,
1 cup Organic Beef Stock & 1/2 cup water
1 tsp Worcersterchire sauce
1tblsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper and Mrs. Dash Steak Seasoning

Snack: (100 Calories)
1 Apple
Dinner: (160 Calories)
3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw then cooked)
Frank's Red Hot Sauce, paprika, red pepper, salt and pepper, and stevia
4oz Green Beans (Measured raw and then cooked with garlic, salt and pepper)
1 Grissini

Dessert: (84 Calories)
1 cup blueberries
Yogi Tea - Tahitian Vanilla Hazelnut tea with vanilla creme stevia

Total Calories for the day: 569 Calories -- oops went over a little!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hey all, I just decided to keep a record of my daily food intake and any notes I have about the day on here instead of in excel, which is what I was using before. So I have been on the HCG diet for about a week now, I have lost 7lbs so far! YAY! :)

Weight - 151 lbs

This morning I had a stall though, and I am thinking it is because I ate 2 pickles yesterday for the first time on this diet. Also maybe water retention?

Breakfast: (94 Calories)
White Chai tea sweetened with Stevia
2 clementines

Water throughout the day! Plus lots of tea!

Lunch: (158.5 Calories)
3.5oz - Turkey Breast (Measured raw, then cooked)
Rosemary, Salt and Pepper
3 cups romaine lettuce
1/2 cup celery
Balsamic Vinegar, salt and pepper
1 Grissini

"Snack": Sugarfree gum -  3 peices today --- (15 calories)

Dinner: (145 calories)

3.5oz Chicken Breast (Measured raw, then cooked)
Mrs. Dash Fiesta Lime seasoning, salt and pepper
10 Stalks of Asparagus with garlic, lemon juice, salt, red & black pepper
1/2 Grissini

Dessert: (50 calories)

Strawberries with P2 Chocolate dip (posted below)
Celestial Seasonings - Sugar Cookie Tea with Stevia  - YUM

Total Calories for the Day: 462.5

Hershey's pure cocoa powder
1tbs skim milk (since we can have 1 tsp milk per day, and this sauce always comes out to be many many servings, the milk ends up being far less than the daily allowed amount)
a little water

I mix everything together in a small sauce pot, boil down, and let cool just a bit. Then refrigerate the rest, microwave when I want to use it. Its awesome on strawberries!